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Q: Where can I buy your Stove Bright® hearth products?
A: Stove Bright® High Temperature paints can be bought by mail order selling throught Academie du Feu.
Q : What is the Stove Bright® paint average coverage ?
R : In normal conditions an aerosol spray can covers between 2 and 2,5m2. In bulk, 1 gallon (3.785 litres) covers between 18 and 23 m2 (or 4,7 to 6 m2 per litre).
Q: Can I paint my glossy kitchen stove?
A: No. Since Stove Bright® High Temperature Paint is specifically designed to maintain its colour at high temperatures, one might think that it is the perfect solution for painting a range or stove. There are basically two reasons that our paint is not suitable: 1. The glossy finish of porcelain cannot be duplicated in a paint that is subject to high heat (above 150°C). 2. Stove Bright® paint is not FDA approved for incidental food contact. Alternatives to painting the range top or stove include services that refurbish porcelain or powder coating. These tend to be expensive options for re-coating a range or stove top.
Q: Should I use aerosol or brush-on when repainting my stove?
A: It is frequently assumed that spray paint will create an unmanageable over spray problem, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our Stove Bright® High-Temp aerosols dry so fast that it is usually powder by the time the over spray reaches a surface. The Gas Vent Pipe Paint will “travel” a bit, particularly the lighter colours. Get a large, cheap plastic sheet from a paint or hardware store. Tape it behind and under the stove or drape it over nearby items, then just wrap it up and toss it away when you are done! We make 30 high temperature colours in aerosol compared to only 5 brush-on high temperature colours (Satin Black, Metallic Black, Charcoal, Metallic Brown and Goldenfire Brown). Professional fireplace and heating stove installers prefer the aerosol for its ease of use, excellent coverage and fine cured finish. Whether you choose aerosol or brush-on, please follow package instructions carefully. Refer to our User Guide for precautions and hints for best results.
Q: Should I be concerned about the health risk of using aerosol paint?
A: Applying common sense and carefully following the instructions on the can will minimize risks. Intentional misuse of the product obviously increases health risk. Please see our User Guide for recommended procedures.
Q: Is smoke and odour normal during cure?
A: During the curing process the chemical nature of the paint changes. The heat of the stove during curing will cause chemicals to burn off, sometimes resulting in visible smoke and annoying odour. This two stage curing process requires an initial medium size burn (about 220°C) for about 60 minutes to begin heat curing the silicone resin. As the paint heats, it will temporarily soften. Gradually, at the hottest spots, the paint will again appear dry. Immediately commence a hotter burn of about 300°C for another 45 minutes to complete the silicone cure. You will know when this occurs because the process creates some smoke and odour! After the "burn-off" is complete, there will be no more smoke or odour. Although the smoke/odour is not toxic, it is annoying. It displaces oxygen and may cause physical distress for some individuals and animals. Until this 2nd stage is finished, the curing process will be incomplete and may be a smoky annoyance at a later time. Please see our User Guide for detailed procedures.
Q: Can you make a custom high-temp colour that's not on your colour card?
A: Each high-temp colour is custom created from organic pigments through an exacting process by our chemists. Small quantities of high-temp colours cannot be “tinted” because it is not the same tinting systems that house paint stores use. Unfortunately, it is not economical to custom design specific high-temp colours for individual consumers in small quantities. The colours listed on our colour card have been rigorously tested for high temperature resistance. Any new colour created would have to go through the same process. Through testing we have found certain colours that do not meet these standards, like: Orange, Yellow, Blue/Green, Bright Red and Pink.
Q: How do I prepare my stove before painting/repainting it?
A: Please see our User Guide.
Q: Do I need to remove the rust on my stove before repainting it?
A: Yes, for best results you should remove all rust before painting. Any contaminant on the surface can create lack of adhesion when your stove reaches high temperatures. Wire brush or sand the rust off. In extreme cases it may be necessary to sandblast. See the User Guide for more information on surface preparation before painting.
Q: What primer do I use before I paint my stove?
A: Stove Bright® high temperature paint is self-priming for use in normal indoor conditions. Only in very unusual circumstances (such as extremely high humidity or outdoor use) will a high-heat primer be needed. NOTE: Regular metal primers are not designed to meet high heat demands and will flake and peel off above 100°C (approx), giving off noxious fumes.
Q: Do you make BBQ paint?
A: Yes, we have developed our “BBQ Paint” specifically for outdoor BBQ’s. It is a self priming spray that has an epoxy additive to resist animal fat and vegetable oil. It is available in black (1A54H204). If you are looking for variety you can use any of our high-temp (1200°F) colours. You can spray them directly on properly prepared aluminium BBQ’s, (See User Guide). Steel BBQ’s require a high-temp primer (Stove Bright® #6306), which provides a durable base coat and rust resistance, prior to top coating with any of the Stove Bright® high temperature colours.
Q: Can I use your high-temp paint on my fireplace bricks?
A: Yes. You will need to remove any contaminants to make sure of good adhesion. Soot and other surface contaminants can be removed with soap and water – make sure all the soap is then removed and bricks are completely dry (allow 2-3 days). For more stubborn contaminants, it may be necessary to do a wipe down with lacquer thinner. Use caution with lacquer thinner. It is a solvent and concentrated fumes can impact your respiratory system. Ventilate work area well while using. You can paint immediately after solvent cleaning.
Q: Why are high-temp Almond and Sand more difficult to work with than darker high temperature colours?
A: Almond (6283) and Sand (6307) are light, flat colours which have more pigment than darker colours because they are frequently applied over black. It is important to achieve a uniform mix of components with these two colours because of the higher levels of pigmentation. If they are not thoroughly mixed by vigorous shaking for at least two minutes (a mechanical paint shaker is the best), they are likely to fail when subjected to high temperatures. They also require more particular attention in application than the darker colours. For a more thorough explanation, please see the Application Techniques section of our User Guide.
Q: I ended up with the wrong shade of brown. Why wasn't the cap colour more accurate?
A: Our caps are made of plastic. We try very hard to match the available cap colours with the actual colour of the high-temp aerosol paint, but sometimes it is just impossible. The metallic fleck in many of our high-temp aerosols adds another complication in the search for precise cap colours. It is best to look at the colours on our colour card.
Q: Is Stove Bright® high temperature paint flame resistant?
A: Yes. Stove Bright® High Temperature Paint products will withstand direct flame up to 650°C and perform just fine. PROBLEM: Many fireboxes are constructed of materials (or coated with Aluminium for rust protection) which will not withstand direct flame of 500°C. If the metal substrate fails, then Stove Bright® High Temperature Paint will not hold the deteriorating metal together and may appear to fail as it bubbles or flakes off the deteriorating metal.
Q: Will your paint adhere to brass?
A: If there is a lacquer coating over the brass, you will need to sand it off. Also, you will need to rough-up the surface with medium grit sandpaper after removing the lacquer coating. High-temp paint should be applied to an extremely clean surface, so a wipe down with a white cloth dipped in lacquer thinner - after the sanding - will prepare the brass for repainting. It is not necessary to use a primer. You should be aware that high-temp paint will not be as shiny as the brass is now. Another point is that after the paint heat cures (see the Curing the Paint section of our User Guide.) it will be very durable, but until then, it will not have full durability.
Q: Can I paint my kitchen stove burner grates?
A: No, our liquid coatings are not designed for the wear and tear of friction from pots and pans. In addition, Stove Bright® is not approved by the FDA to be used on cooking surfaces that might come in contact with food.
Q: Can I paint galvanized stove pipe?
A: Before applying any paint to galvanized piping, you should wipe it down with a weak acid to neutralize the zinc ions and clean the surface. If you have access to hydrochloric acid, use a very, very diluted solution (otherwise it will turn the pipe black!!). As an alternative, you can use white vinegar. After the pipe is dry, you can then apply our Stove Bright® high temperature paint.
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